Attila4MCTM – Software for Simplifying MCNP®

Attila4MC provides users with an MCNP front end that can eliminate the most time-consuming bottlenecks in setting up, running, and visualizing MCNP solutions. The software integrates CAD with MCNP, operates using a graphical user interface for MCNP calculation setup, and converts MCNP output into a global solution that can be visualized in a variety of modalities. Attila4MC supports automated CADIS and FW-CADIS variance reduction powered by the new Cottonwood Variance Reduction Module; automatically generating weight windows and energy source biasing to provide solutions to problems that are challenging for analog Monte Carlo methods.

Attila® – Design with Attila, Verify with MCNP

Attila includes all the features of Attila4MC, with the added benefit of the Attila deterministic solver for independent calculations and global solution fields. Attila deterministically solves the Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation, incorporating unstructured mesh geometries allowing for rapid design iterations on complex models and providing the means to easily compare a complimentary Attila4MC calculation for verification.

Fornax and Activation Source Generator (ASG) ®

The Attila suite has a GUI driven activation capability (Fornax) that tracks the population of isotopes created through neutron activation and decay processes, compatible with both SMP (attilasolver) and DMP (severian). Fornax provides users with the capability to use the Rigorous Two-Step (R2S) method with an Attila deterministic or Attila4MC (MCNP6) based workflow. With the Attila deterministic workflow, users have the ability to run neutron flux and activation calculations on the tetrahedral mesh and then produce gamma sources at desired decay time steps with an appropriate neutron flux strength. The gamma sources are produced on a mesh element wise basis, and the activation gamma calculations can then be run on the same tetrahedral mesh, making for an accurate, simple and fast workflow.

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